Washington City ERP Software

The Project

ERP Software Selection and Implementation
A City with a population of approximately 100,000 requested assistance from SoftResources for the evaluation and selection of a replacement ERP solution. The modules in scope included General Ledger, Purchasing, Accounts Payable, Contract Management, Project and Grant Accounting, Budget, Enterprise Cashiering, Fixed Assets, Human Resources, Time and Attendance, and Payroll.
The City’s legacy ERP solution was nearing the end of its life as the software vendor was no longer supporting their solution. It was important to the City to find a replacement solution that would support City business processes and policies with a proven history of providing ERP solutions for local government organizations. The City recognized the need to acquire an integrated ERP solution for supporting its core functions, to improve efficiency, and to eliminate duplication of efforts.
SoftResources helped the City to successfully select a new ERP solution and completed the following activities:
  • Conducted Discovery Workshops to review the current ERP environment
  • Documented client-specific software functional, technical, and integration requirements for the replacement ERP solution
  • Completed a review of the proposals submitted by potential vendors
  • Led the City to a Short List of vendors that were invited to the software demo process
  • Facilitated the software demo and final decision processes
  • Supported the City through the review and negotiation of contract documents
  • Guided the City through the implementation process